Hi, I’m Justin!

I am currently a student at Illinois State University.

Contact Resume

About Me


Hi welcome to my website. My name is Justin Lesnicki and I built this website so that I could learn the inner workings of HTML and CSS. I am currently a junior at Illinois State University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems. I love coding, listening to music and long walks on the beach! Thank you for taking the time to check out my website!


Snake.io Game

Snake Gif

Coded a Snake game in TypeScript, using React-Native and Expo Go to get a grasp of mobile app development.

Portfolio Website

Portfolio Pic

Designed a personal portfolio website using Figma, then later used HTML and CSS to bring the website to life.



Currently I am pursuing a bachelors degree in Information Systems with a focus in Systems Development at Illinois State University. At ISU, I am a member of the Web Development Club where members in similar IT fields gather once a week to work on a project that is aimed to be complete by the end of the semester. Prior to ISU, I attended St. Rita of Cascia High School in Chicago, IL.



Java, COBOL, HTML/CSS, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python

Developer Tools

GitHub, VS Code, Eclipse IDE, OpenCobolIDE, Android Studio, Expo Go, Figma, JCL, z/OS Mainframe

Experience With

Data Structures, Algorithms, UI/UX Design, JCL
Coding Logos


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